Whether you are about to buy your first car or you have owned many cars previously, you must have surely heard about the used car market. The advantages of buying a second-hand car are many, including a lower price, they depreciate less, and they cost less for maintenance and repairs.
However, when buying a used car, several factors need to be kept in mind. This is because since the car has been previously driven for an unspecified period of time, it may have gone through some wear and tear, and may need maintenance. Some of the most visible factors in used cars include its appearance, drivability, and mileage.
So how many miles are too many miles when buying a used car?
With used cars, the norm is that the ones that have been driven less are preferred over those that have been driven more. However, when it comes to mileage, there’s more to it than meets the eye.
High mileage cars and low mileage cars are not always complete opposites. It is generally assumed that on average a driver may put on 12,000 miles every year on a car, and this is used as a general guideline for buyers of pre-loved cars. This means that a car that has been owned for ten years may have around 120,000 miles on its odometer, with anything significantly more or less signaling a problem.
Here is an example of how just looking at mileage may be misleading when it comes to determining the value of a used car. Take, for example, a car owned by a real estate agent or traveling sales representative is likely to be well-maintained as well as kept in good repair. This makes it an ideal car to be bought second-hand.
On the other hand, rental cars can be bought for cheaper but they might have more mileage on them. However, rental cars are usually newer model cars and are well-maintained, and buying such a car may prove to be a good value for money.
A car that has been used for ten years comparatively, and has gone through a couple of owners in the process and has 90,000 miles, maybe scrapped. Those cars that are missing maintenance records should be overlooked, as they may not have been repaired as much as needed.
Knowing all of this, we realize that the decision for buying a used car can not just be made by looking at the mileage alone. The end decision depends on a multitude of factors, but if possible, try to get a car that has mileage in the 12,000-mile/year average range. However, even if a car falls outside of this range, and is visibly well maintained, then don’t be afraid to make exceptions.
Condition of the used car:
Mileage is not the only important factor, however, and the condition of the car can tell you a lot about how much maintenance it has had and how long its expected life will be. Before you finalize the purchase, make sure to have your mechanic take a look at the used car you are considering. Also, make sure to take a test drive and inspect the exterior of the car before buying it.
Even if you are not technically savvy, it is better to have someone you know inspect the car as well. Doing this will give you an unbiased opinion as well. A used car inspector will have a checklist of things to be examined and how to examine them.
This may include getting a general overview of the car, body fit and finish, lights, mirrors, glass, and the condition of the brakes, engine, and tires. Doing a scan of the control system will let the inspector know if the car can detect problems in its self-testing systems while taking a test drive will allow the buyer to know of the overall condition of the car.
Tips for buying used cars :
In the United States, a car is on average 12 years old, which means it has an average mileage of around 144,000. When you are buying a used car, it is important to remember that you are not shopping for a car that has the least mileage, but a car that you will get the most mileage out of.
If your preferred car has 50,000 miles on it at the time of purchase, that means you will be able to drive it for 90,000 more miles before it gets to the average. Some cars may last even longer because of their owners maintaining them at regular intervals and getting any repairs done promptly. So, for example, if you are looking at a Toyota Hilux double cab that has been driven for 150,000 or even 200,000 miles but looks in good condition, then it is a good catch.
It is important to consider mileage when shopping for a used car, but the history of the previous owner, the vehicle itself, how it was driven, and how well it was maintained also plays an important part.